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Foster a HAWS Pet

Looking to open your home to an animal from HAWS? Foster caregivers are needed for a variety of reasons! We have animals that are too young for adoption, in need of medical treatment, have behaviors best addressed in a home setting, or that would like a short break from the shelter.

HAWS has two foster programs to assist with these needs.

You provide the love, HAWS will provide food and medical care!

When you feel ready, please complete Foster Caregiver Application & Agreement below to become an official HAWS foster home. 

Questions? Email

General Foster

This program focuses on small animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs, cats/kittens or dogs/puppies that are not ready for adoption. Reasons may include pregnancy watch, extended medical treatment or time to grow.  To stay active as a HAWS Foster Caregiver, we ask that you foster a feline/litter of kittens once every “kitten season” and for dogs, foster once every 3 months.

Please read the Foster Care Guide for details on the various duties, responsibilities and expectations of a HAWS foster home. When you feel ready to take home your first foster a pet, please complete the Foster Caregiver Application & Agreement below to become an official HAWS foster home.  If you check that you are interested in fostering dogs, please give yourself 15 minutes to complete the Foster Caregiver Application & Agreement as there is a short quiz.  Prerequisite to proceed with foster care program is 17/23 points.

General Foster

This program focuses on small animals such as rabbits or guinea pigs, cats/kittens or dogs/puppies that are not ready for adoption. Reasons may include pregnancy watch, extended medical treatment or time to grow.  To stay active as a HAWS Foster Caregiver, we ask that you foster a feline/litter of kittens once every “kitten season” and for dogs, foster once every 3 months.

Please read the Foster Care Guide for details on the various duties, responsibilities and expectations of a HAWS foster home. When you feel ready to take home your first foster a pet, please complete the Foster Caregiver Application & Agreement below to become an official HAWS foster home.  If you check that you are interested in fostering dogs, please give yourself 15 minutes to complete the Foster Caregiver Application & Agreement as there is a short quiz.  Prerequisite to proceed with foster care program is 17/23 points.

Foster to Adopt

Bringing a new pet into your home is a big step – there can be questions and unknowns that only time will answer. HAWS’ Foster to Adopt program is designed to help prospective forever homes feel more comfortable, by allowing you and the pet you’ve chosen to have a trial run.

Welcome one of the eligible HAWS adoptable pets into your home…with a “safety net”! Take the pet you’d like to adopt into your home for two weeks before you make it permanent. We know you’ll be inseparable right away, but, just like with any adoption, during that time period you’ll have access to all of HAWS behavior resources in case you have questions about helping your new pet adjust.

Foster to Adopt

Bringing a new pet into your home is a big step – there can be questions and unknowns that only time will answer. HAWS’ Foster to Adopt program is designed to help prospective forever homes feel more comfortable, by allowing you and the pet you’ve chosen to have a trial run.

Welcome one of the eligible HAWS adoptable pets into your home…with a “safety net”! Take the pet you’d like to adopt into your home for two weeks before you make it permanent. We know you’ll be inseparable right away, but, just like with any adoption, during that time period you’ll have access to all of HAWS behavior resources in case you have questions about helping your new pet adjust.

Help us continue our mission of ensuring the entire community treats animals and one another, with respect.