#1: Dog Walkers who brave the cold…


HAWS’ Dog Walkers are the most dedicated bunch around.


As an open admission and no-kill shelter, HAWS is committed to adopting all pets that come to our shelter. Whether it takes 24 hours or 24 weeks, we are also committed to the physical and mental health and well-being of the animals in our care. That only happens through daily walks and playtime, games and quiet snuggle sessions – supported by our army of volunteers.


No matter the weather, our volunteers make sure the dogs in residence in our shelter get exercise and enrichment. While sometimes they also need to be bundled up, each dog seems to revel in the time spent outdoors. Often the dogs we receive from transports from southern states love the snow more than the local pups! Snow drifts? No problem! We’ll just romp right through them, together.


It gives us the warm fuzzies when we see our dog walkers – even when we can’t recognize them through the many layers of coats, hats and scarves!